Chris & Ashley – Shreveport Wedding Photographers

Wanna see a wedding full of happy people having a blast? Well, here you go! Chris and Ashley’s wedding definitely fits that bill! Hill Country Village was the perfect spot for their wedding, and no one could have asked for better weather! Let’s get into these wedding photographs…


While Ashley was getting dolled up, Chris and his buddies were getting ready, too…


It’s show time…


Ashley carried a brooch bouquet.  It was a nice touch to see the bridesmaids’ flowers also included a brooch!


Ashley’s bridesmaids were the most ready-for-any-scenario group we’ve had this year!  I completely relate to the Type A personalities, so they’re all winners in my book!


Off to the party…


We’re not completely sure what these two were discussing, but this photograph had us giggling.


Ashley and Chris are both pharmacists, so the prescription bottle favors were a cute, personal touch!


And then the reception was over…


Or was it just getting started good?


It’s always a good party when the cops show up, right?  (This is what might happen if you get married on Halloween weekend…)



Chris and Ashley, thank you so much for choosing us to capture your beautiful wedding!  Non-stop smiles and boisterous fun is always a great thing, and you two had that in spades.  We hope you’re enjoying the honeymoon!

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  • Nina BrownNovember 4, 2016 - 11:15 am

    OMG! Priceless. Wish I was there!ReplyCancel