Sunrise Desert Shoot – Las Vegas, Nevada Photograher

A few months ago, Nicole and I went to Dallas, Texas, to celebrate our good friend Mack’s birthday. That birthday party lead to the planning of a Vegas trip for the birthday party group. While anticipating our Vegas trip, Nicole and I discussed finding a model for a fun photo session while in Vegas. (We love shooting in new locations, so we’re always happy to travel for a photo session!) Now, Nicole is a Google master. And being the Google research queen that she is, she dove right into finding a location for a possible shoot. She actually found two amazing locations which would be killer spots for a session, so we were pretty pumped! Things got even better when Chelsea, Mack’s wife, contacted us about shooting a session together in Vegas. (Remember, Chelsea and Mack are the amazing duo over at McGowan Images!) Chelsea’s brilliant idea was to use the other couple (Abby & Eric) going to Vegas as our models so we could all work together to make a super-duper-awesome session! With a killer location chosen and a beautiful couple to model, we were ready to go!

The session was scheduled to start at about 4:30 a.m. on a Tuesday morning (a time which I didn’t know even existed)! After a wonderful evening taking in a fun Vegas show, eating a nice dinner, grabbing a Vegas sign picture, and making a quick Walmart run, we were in the rental car and headed to the desert location at about 2:45 a.m.! It rained off and on during our drive, and, when we pulled up to the location, it started to rain a little harder. But everyone stayed positive while we waited out the rain. Soon we were setting up the lighting equipment in just a slight drizzle. What happened after that was some of the most fun we’ve ever had shooting a session! First, our models/friends Abby and Eric were excited about the shoot, and it showed as they put a lot of work into the session! Eric suited up like a champ and made sure he looked great. Abby spent most of the drive to the location working on ballet shoes. Even more awesome is that Abby was unable to find black ballet shoes in time for the session, so she took a Sharpie and colored the ballet shoes she had! That is dedication! And as great as Abby and Eric were as models, it was also nice to be working with our friends, Chelsea and Mack of McGowan Images, again. Chelsea took charge of posing and choosing most of the set-up locations. As you’ll see in the images below, she created some total rock star poses in some fabulous spots! We’ve shot along side the McG’s before and it’s always fun to work with those two! Chelsea is actually blogging the images she and Mack captured during the session today as well, so make sure to head over to to see their images, too!

Now enough talk, it’s time for pictures!!!

Let’s break for a minute to show off the trophy husbands, Mack and myself!

Back to the pretty…

So are you dying to know where this was shot? It’s a place called Nelson’s Landing not too far from Las Vegas, Nevada. It’s unreal, right? We really hope we get to shoot at this spot again in the future! Abby and Eric, you guys were good sports and fabulous models! Thanks for braving the rain (and the toe shoes, Abby!) for this shoot! Chelsea and Mack, thanks for always being supportive of our photography! We look forward to having you guys shoot our new headshots soon! Blogstalkers, let us know what you think about this session! And, if you haven’t already head over to Chelsea and Mack’s blog to see their fabulous images from this session! Also, be sure to check back on Friday for a few sneak peek images from a recent senior session!

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  • Chelsea McGowanAugust 8, 2012 - 8:07 am

    HOLY CRAP YOU GUYS!!! There are so many shots in here that I wish were mine. You guys kill-kill-MURDERED this shoot, and I’m proud to know you! Fantabulous!!ReplyCancel

  • megBAugust 8, 2012 - 11:37 am

    Dude. Echoing Chelsea’s comment. Y’all **murdered** this shoot. Can’t wait to be a part of the next one!!!!ReplyCancel

  • Brandon O'NealAugust 8, 2012 - 12:57 pm

    Wow. Wow! Love this shoot and location, you guys totally rocked it!ReplyCancel

  • KennieAugust 8, 2012 - 3:57 pm

    The shots are gorgeous, that is an incredible location! Where’s Nicole’s pic???ReplyCancel

  • Rose MaryAugust 8, 2012 - 5:04 pm

    Awesome job! I LOVE them all!!!! I can’t wait to have our pics taken with y’all again! U never cease to amaze!ReplyCancel

  • EmilyAugust 8, 2012 - 10:16 pm


  • AbbyAugust 9, 2012 - 11:34 am

    BERGS!! You guys seriously captured so so so many incredible shots. I love the different angles that y’all got!! The pair of pics 5th from the bottom is amazing. I look aaaangry!!!! But I love it! I love love love the solo shot of Eric and the two of me on the ground after that. 12 and 14 (from the top) are some of my very favorites. I am proud to be on your blog!! Thank you for letting me be a part of this crazy-awesome shoot!ReplyCancel

  • Eddie MarroquinAugust 9, 2012 - 10:49 pm
