What’s on our TV…

Good morning! Things have been a bit quiet around the blog lately, but that’s about to end! We have several sessions coming up, so the blog will soon be loaded with awesome pictures!

In the meantime, we thought we’d honor the month of September and what it brings to our household…a new television season! Today, we’re sharing a few of our favorite shows!

Yep. We love us some Dexter. We jumped on the Dexter bandwagon a little late, but we quickly caught up in time for last season.  We are once again ready to switch HBO over to Showtime to catch Dexter’s new season!

Downton Abbey
This show is on Nicole’s must-watch-list! In fact, Nicole just finished catching up via DVD so she would be ready for the third season. While the new season doesn’t air until January 2013, Nicole isn’t one to “savor” her tv shows (or her reading material). Nope, she watches them all back-to-back and then counts the days until the new season. My sister, Kennie, actually brought this show to Nicole’s attention. While it wasn’t my cup of tea, it’s apparently very popular!

This series was recommended to us very highly by my brother, Matthew. He actually insisted that we watch this show. After seeing my sister post on his facebook page that she was sold after the first five minutes, we scrambled to turn on Netflix to watch the first episode! Turns out my sister was right…we were hooked after about 5 minutes! Forty-five minutes into the show, we were expecting a conclusion or at least a cliffhanger.  Happily, we discovered we had another 45 minutes to go! Sherlock is a three episode season, but each episode is about an hour and a half of compelling non-stop awesomeness! After staying up ’til about 3am finishing season 1, we ordered season 2 on DVD. We just finished season 2, and now I have no idea how we’ll be able to make it until Fall 2013 for the third season! I guess we’ll just have to rewatch seasons 1 and 2!  Season 2’s episode 1 is the stand out episode of the two seasons, but each episode is really a masterpiece. If you haven’t yet, you need to become “Sherlocked!”

This show is a favorite of ours because we enjoy musicals. Add to the fact that Katherine McPhee is the star and I’m more than happy to tune in! It’s a fun show full of talented actors and actresses performing what would in real life probably be an amazing Broadway Musical!  (Yes, I’m a dude.  Yes, I am openly admitting I love musicals.  And, yes, my wife loves that about me!)

The Walking Dead
Another Matthew recommendation. This show is based on a graphic novel depicting the zombie apocalypse, and it is AMAZING! It’s a nonstop, edge-of-your-seat kind of show.  It depicts what I envision a real zombie apocalypse would entail! The characters are never safe and, just when it seems like everything is ok, BAM! Zombie attack! Again, not a show for everyone as make-up artists do an amazing job creating some horrific-looking zombies, but, for those of you who aren’t too sheepish, you should check this show out! Nicole and I just finished season two (another DVD marathon over two nights), and we are super stoked for season 3 starting this October on AMC!


Franklin and Bash
You loved him as Zach Morris, now love him as Peter Bash. Alongside Breckin Meyer, Mark Paul Gosselaar stars as Peter Bash who is law partners with his lifelong best friend, Jared Franklin. These two guys are basically who every attorney wishes they could be! Never scared of being held in contempt of court, they bring excitement and adventure to every case they take to trial! Oh, and, after a hard day at the office, they celebrate with a margarita party at their house! It’s a great “buddy” comedy that’s tons of fun! In fact, it’s my favorite show on television!  Unfortunately, this is a summer series and just ended it’s season.  Reruns will tide us over until next summer.

New Girl
Nicole has best described this show as “a little bit of happy.” It’s just a fun show that we find hysterical! Several times over the past season while watching the show, we’d see facebook blow up with quotes from the show before it had ended for the night. If you didn’t see season one, you don’t know what you are missing! Tune in and enjoy!

Once Upon A Time
Of course, we’ve already mentioned once before on the blog that we LOVE Once Upon A Time! The new season is sure to captivate us just as much as the first season!

Well that’s just a few of our favorite shows!  Feel free to comment below with your favorites or what you are looking forward to this season!  And make sure to stop by the blog next week as well have lots to share!

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  • Pritesh PatelSeptember 8, 2012 - 9:13 am

    Did you get my JUNK mail???ReplyCancel